All the branch managers are requested to prepare the results of all the students by taking self mock test and send it on email ( or   *    All Online Exam Convert into Offline due to September 2024 for some Web site Server Issue.    *    Certificate Distribution Programme will be held on 20 March 2023   *    Now all students self generate examination password through Student Login.   *    Know all students self generate examination password through Student Login.   *    Dear students we are informed to you that before 2020 all result, certificate & diploma not provide online because some server problem all data lost. if you want online certificate so please give re exam for any other cost. if you want re exam so please c   *    website testing mode   *    Web site is Under Construction .....    *    IITM New Branch open from Delhi   *   

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Organization Aim

Today, computer & telecommunication equipment have become indispensable parts of our lives. The need of these services is constantly on the rise and so is the need for professionals who are related to these areas.

It is estimated that in the upcoming 10 years, India alone will require 15 million professionals in the field of computer hardware, networking, Accounting Professional, Telecommunication Robotizes of course, Future belongs to those who understands computers firstly.

While reading about us you have approached the right place where your career will zoom off in the right direction.
    IITM gives great importance to quality of education.
  • Our main aim is the success of students.
  • Improvement of creativity and skills through additional classes.
  • Enhancing Confience by providing Personality development classes
  • Provide quality based education, to make them employable
  • Wide range of well researched Industry related courses.

Certification and Diploma

Our Staff

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